
31 May 2016

Kit List, What's In, What's Out - May 2016

A few posts back I decided to keep track of what I buy and sell this year as I attempt to monitor my hobby consumption. So here's what happened this during May:

In - Purchases for May 2016

  • Games Workshop Liquid Green Stuff - £6.00
  • Warhammer Quest: The Silver Tower - £95.00
Total Yearly (April to December) Expenditure - £113.24

Out - Downsizing for May 2016

  • None 
Obviously one significant purchase in buying Warhammer Quest: The Silver Tower. I'd been searching for a board game for a while as a long term painting project and this one turned out to be ideal. With this and my Mordheim painting project. I should have plenty to be getting on with for some time now and don't really envisage any more miniatures purchases, (other than components), in the immediate future.

However one thing I have realised is that my paints will need refreshing as the Silver Tower features a lot of colours I've not tended to use much before now. I'll try and phase them in over the next few months as I paint certain batches of miniatures.

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